Development status of dangerous goods logistics in China

Release time: 2020/4/7

  According to statistics, in recent years, China's annual road transport of dangerous goods in about 200 million tons, of which highly toxic cyanide reached hundreds of thousands of tons, flammable and explosive oil products up to 100 million tons, dangerous goods logistics has quietly formed。However, most of the operation of dangerous goods logistics only follows or even directly applies the logistics operation of ordinary goods, resulting in frequent dangerous goods transport accidents。

  Dangerous goods are generally industrial raw materials or products, with its special physical and chemical properties, in the contact and treatment process must comply with the corresponding rules, so as to avoid accidents, causing disasters, its transport link is a technical and professional work, the main characteristics are:

  1.There are many kinds and different nature

  According to the danger of dangerous goods, the dangerous Goods Classification and Name Number (GB6944-2005) divides dangerous goods into 9 categories and a total of 22 items。Each item also contains specific dangerous goods, the "dangerous goods List" (GB12268-2005) has reached 2,763 names。The 2,763 types of dangerous goods and the number of new dangerous goods added every year vary greatly in their physical and chemical properties。

  2.High risk

  As a special category, dangerous goods have great danger in road transportation, which is easy to cause casualties and property losses。Dangerous goods transportation accidents caused great harm, such as March 29, 2005 occurred on the Beijing-Shanghai expressway liquid chlorine leakage accident, the driver and escort fled after reporting, delayed the emergency evacuation time, resulting in 28 deaths, more than 20,000 mu of land pollution, direct economic losses of 29.01 million yuan。In the nine categories of dangerous goods, each category has its own unique dangers, and has strict requirements for external conditions。

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